Saturday 23 September 2017

Full of Self yet so Selfless!

O flower! Attired in pure natural innocence,
Thou are ignorant of thy enchanting aroma,
Unaware of thy Charm,
Dances freely with flirtious breeze,
Hardly cares about world's joy and sorrow,
Thou are neither selfish nor altruistic
Full of Self yet so Selfless!
- Sarthi

The Ruella bed looking good again after I got rid of the snails

Sunday 17 September 2017

Light gardening activity benefits flexibility, balance, strength and relieve stress

  • Engaging in some light gardening activity not only benefits flexibility, balance and strength, but it can also relieve stress. Importantly, it is also enhances feelings of social inclusion, which are very important for the older person.
  • Having easy access to a green space or garden encourages older people to go outdoors and this motivates them to be physically and socially active, which can help to offset illness and isolation.

My current favourites: 
Queen of the Night
Hibiscus bigger than my palm

I actually picked up a half-dead hibiscus stump from the
roadside about 10 months ago and nurtured it until it bloomed
into this beauty 

My favourite the Brazilian Snapdragon 

I love the costus because the birds like the nectar
and visit often

Saturday 16 September 2017

The sun bird in my garden

One of the wonders of gardening is to see wildlife visit my garden and enjoy the nectar produced by the flowers. Various kinds of butterflies, bees and birds visit my small garden regularly.  This morning I managed to capture the sun bird at quite a close range feeding on my Costus woodsonii . Strangely, unlike earlier attempts, the bird allowed me to take quite a few nice shots.