Friday 28 March 2014

May God give them strength

A British satellite company, Inmarsat,  guided by a principle of physics called the Doppler effect, analyzed tiny shifts in the frequency of the plane’s signals to infer MH370's flight path and likely final location, concluded that MH370 ended its journey in the middle of the southern Indian Ocean.

Based on this conclusion the Malaysian PM announced to the world 4 days ago on Monday 24 March that Flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean and no one is believed to have survived the flight. 

As the days passed since the plane's disappearance on 8 March we had all been reeling in disbelief and sadness over the fate of the 239 passengers and crew members. I find that I could not pull myself away from surfing the web or watching the news channels, hoping for some good news, and now it had come to that.  I can't imagine how agonizing and traumatic it must have been for the 239 passengers and crew members.  For the relatives they leave behind, as they deal with their huge grief, for which there is no short cut, may God give them strength.

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