Saturday 19 July 2014

A New Test for Dementia: Walking

“Changes in walking may predate actually observable cognitive changes in people who are on their way to developing dementia,” said Molly Wagster, chief of the National Institute on Aging’s behavioral and systems neuroscience branch. Experts said the studies could lead to developing a relatively simple tool that doctors could use to forecast, if not diagnose, possible Alzheimer’s disease

For decades, people thought slower walking was just part of getting old, but research shows some changes in gait signify problems that go beyond normal aging.

Source: A New Test fro Dementia: Walking

Slight changes in the way a person walks, like slowing down or developing a variable stride, could be early signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

Source: What-does-your-walking-speed-say-about-your-alzheimers-risk

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