Thursday 24 December 2015

As I get older....

Trying to understand myself and the changes in my body which had become more obvious day by day, I did some reading and jotted down  some pertinent points ....
Most internal functions  decline with aging. Even though most functions remain adequate, the decline in function means that older people are less able to handle various stresses, including strenuous physical activity, extreme temperature changes in the environment, and disorders. This decline also means that older people are more likely to experience side effects from drugs.  Some organs are more likely to malfunction under stress than others. These organs include the heart and blood vessels, the urinary organs (such as the kidneys), and the brain.

Bones tend to become less dense. Thus, bones become weaker and more likely to break.  Certain bones are weakened more than others. Those most affected include the end of the thighbone (femur) at the hip, the ends of the arm bones (radius and ulna) at the wrist, and the bones of the spine (vertebrae).
Muscles cannot contract as quickly because more fast-contracting (fast-twitch) muscle fibers are lost than slow-contracting (slow-twitch) muscle fibers. Regular exercise to strengthen muscles (resistance training) can partially overcome or significantly delay loss of muscle mass and strength
By age 75, the percentage of body fat typically doubles compared with what it was during young adulthood. Too much body fat can increase the risk of health problems, such as diabetes. The distribution of fat also changes, changing the shape of the torso. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help older people minimize increases in body fat.
The heart and blood vessels become stiffer. The heart fills with blood more slowly. The stiffer arteries are less able to expand when more blood is pumped through them. Thus, blood pressure tends to increase.
In the large intestine, materials move through a little more slowly. In some people, this slowing contributes to constipation.

(Source: older-people )
No  one can avoid the changes that come with aging.  I suppose I just have to practice healthy eating, exercise and keep a positive attitude. 


Tuesday 8 December 2015

Slightly plant obsessed

Over the past few years, I have become aware that I love to grow things. The nurseries near my house have become like my second homes. My garden space is limited but that had not stopped me from grabbing any plant that I may fancy. When I go to the nursery I tell myself "just one plant" but often enough I still bring home more plants than I have space for in my yard. I am also obsessed with propagating and multiplying the plants I already have, and had ended up with many plants of the similar kind. Yet another obsession is picking up discarded plants from the road sides during my morning walks,because I don't like to see the plants die. So now I think I have created a mini jungle in the little space that I have. Even the service lane at the back of my house has not been spared. Have
I become an addict?