Friday 28 March 2014

May God give them strength

A British satellite company, Inmarsat,  guided by a principle of physics called the Doppler effect, analyzed tiny shifts in the frequency of the plane’s signals to infer MH370's flight path and likely final location, concluded that MH370 ended its journey in the middle of the southern Indian Ocean.

Based on this conclusion the Malaysian PM announced to the world 4 days ago on Monday 24 March that Flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean and no one is believed to have survived the flight. 

As the days passed since the plane's disappearance on 8 March we had all been reeling in disbelief and sadness over the fate of the 239 passengers and crew members. I find that I could not pull myself away from surfing the web or watching the news channels, hoping for some good news, and now it had come to that.  I can't imagine how agonizing and traumatic it must have been for the 239 passengers and crew members.  For the relatives they leave behind, as they deal with their huge grief, for which there is no short cut, may God give them strength.

Saturday 15 March 2014

A story (Part 7 )- the Trauma

Continued from:

Two days after he left the house she received a telephone call from his superior.  In the Army, the superior has to give permission if the subordinate wanted to marry again. His superior officer asked her whether he has her permission to marry again.    She told him, “Sir, he does not need my permission.  He already divorced me two days ago.  He is no longer my husband”.   

She thought she was strong.  But she was not. 
She locked herself in her office and refused to attend meetings.   Her behaviour attracted the attention of her whole office including her Boss.  She was called to explain and she broke down.  Her Boss was very understanding and approved her 1 week leave.   She was later to realize that her recovery would take many years. 

How was she feeling?  She felt small, she felt herself very ugly, and most of all, she lost her self - confidence.   She was later to realize that her behavior had not only cost her to suffer professionally but also caused her to neglect her responsibility towards her young children who were left only to the housemaid most of the time.   She was not there for herself, not there for her job and not even there for her children.          

Let's wait and see how A story (Part 8) goes...when I get the inspiration again…

Wednesday 5 March 2014


How do I spend my time now that I am in semi-retirement?  Well, I lead a very simple life.  I go to the gym on alternate mornings and work up a good sweat, do brisk walking on the other mornings often coming in close encounter with monkeys and lizards in the neighbourhood, play with the neighbour's children, tend to my garden, cook and clean house, spend time with my family (whenever they have time for me), occasionally enjoy the company of good friends and spend several hours (sometimes more, sometimes less) on the computer each day to earn my keep.  There is a Chinese saying,  平凡是福, meaning, "being ordinary is a blessing".