Monday 10 May 2021

Mother's Day tribute to a comatose mother. 母爱伟大!

 (46) 沉睡5月植物人突然呻吟生下婴儿,宝宝哭出来那刻,妈妈奇迹苏醒,母爱伟大!【天下父母】 - YouTube

This lady went into a coma because of a blood clot in the brain.  At the same time the doctors discovered that she was 4 months pregnant.  After much consultations family members and the doctors  decided to abort the fetus to give the mother a better chance  of survival.  At this point of time the mother suddenly opened her eyes and used her tears to express her objection.   She only stopped tearing when the family and doctors agreed to proceed with the pregnancy.  For the next 5 months she continued to be in a comatose state.  When the baby attained full term a C section was performed, with the odds against the mother's survival .  Against all odds  both mother and child were safe.  The mother even managed a hand gestured a V sign when she was being pushed out the operating room.  Now she has still not fully recovered but always so happy when she sees her baby.   

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