Saturday 12 August 2017


人老了,過得幸福最重要。 所以不再委屈自己,只和舒服的人相處。 人與人之間,相遇是緣分,相處看個人。合得來就在一起,合不來也不勉強。何必忍氣吞聲,何必削尖了腦袋去取悅別人。 生命說長也長,說短也短,沒有那麼多時間和精力花在不合適的人身上。

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Blocked from FB?

"Like I said above, I HAD to block my MIL who WAS a FB friend, but she was looking at my families FBs thru my account and commenting to me openly on their pics and all, because they apparently had their settings to friends of friends, but she was literally doing nothing else all day long but stalking people on FB". I copied the above from someone's entry online. I hope I am not in that category.

butterflies in my garden

Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life. And everyone deserves a little sunshine  - Jeffrey Glassberg